The purpose of this site is simply to help out Flash animators in the area of FX animation, I hope to update it every two weeks. Comments and critiques are welcome, and valuable resources will all be available and updated on the sidebar under LINKS and DOWNLOADS with actual FX samples and archives of reference materials.
Since I use a Mac, I currently prefer Flash 8, since it's not any different from the CS3 version, any files I make available for download (as well as all my screen captures) will be in Flash 8. I might eventually convert to the new CS4 - despite the fact it no longer renders in Quicktime format, which I personally find VERY annoying and has prevented me in upgrading thus far (sorry everyone), I enjoy the fast and easy video file rendering process to make quick tests for review, maybe someday.
To start off, I've been using Flash for broadcast animation for 10 years now. I basically got into FX simply because not many animators at the studio I was in wanted to bother with it. Either because it was often very difficult or very time consuming, so I got thrust into producing FX animation out of necessity.
A couple years ago, I began teaching part-time Flash classes to some 2nd year Animation Students at a college just outside of town, so as I was trying to dig up some examples to show them for my next workshop How To Create Basic Flash Effects, when I came upon the old Tron episode I had directed in 2002 - this was one of the first times I had to deal with actually designing FX for a particularly effects-heavy episode.
Back in early 2003, (in the middle of our 2nd season of Olliver's Adventures) we wrote a script about Ollie getting sucked into his PC to fight an evil computer virus, little did anyone know that we wrote this as an excuse to just do our own TRON-APPRECIATION EPISODE!
Above are a few model sheets, Scott and I worked on them a bit, but Jeff did most of them.
Here's a few short scene clips with no audio:
1 comment:
If you're happy with Flash 8 and it's working for you, you might be better off sticking with it for now since Flash CS4 is slower, less stable and more crass prone. If you nest MovieClips/graphic symbols the new FlashPlayer 10 stage doesn't seem to handle that well and gets unbearably slow.
Also ironically none of the new 'animation' features are well enough implemented to be usable (the IK is just a joke), you'll probably find yourself only using the old features instead -- so why upgrade and spend all your time working around new features.
1 comment:
If you're happy with Flash 8 and it's working for you, you might be better off sticking with it for now since Flash CS4 is slower, less stable and more crass prone. If you nest MovieClips/graphic symbols the new FlashPlayer 10 stage doesn't seem to handle that well and gets unbearably slow.
Also ironically none of the new 'animation' features are well enough implemented to be usable (the IK is just a joke), you'll probably find yourself only using the old features instead -- so why upgrade and spend all your time working around new features.
Maybe CS5 will be worth upgrading to...
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